Veggies Only? What Else Can You Add To Vegetarian Recipes


Are vegetables always the highlight of vegetarian recipes? While vegetarian apps, sides, and meals may include everything from eggplants to carrots, veggies aren't always the show-stopper. Take a look at the non-vegetable vegetarian picks that can enrich and uplift this type of recipe.

Fresh and Dried Fruit

How can you use fruit in a vegetarian starter, side, or full meal? Whether you prefer fresh raw, fresh-cooked, or dried fruits, you can use these colorful selections as part of:

  • Salads. Add fresh berries, sliced apples, or dried cranberries to a bed of greens, or create a full fruit salad with watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, sliced strawberries, and more. You can also get creative with your next picnic-worthy potato salad, adding in grapes or dried fruit.
  • Soups. Use dried fruit as a garnish or make a completely vegetarian summertime cold soup with melons or avocados.
  • Sides. Sneak a sweet flavor into mashed potatoes or cauliflower with a sprinkle of cubed dried fruit. You can also add anything from dried cranberries to apricots to noodle sides, couscous, or quinoa.
  • Main meals. Top a veggie burger with a grilled peach half, add sliced apples to a tofu-salad sandwich, or sprinkle dried cranberries over a blue cheese pizza.

Along with these ideas, use fruit as a condiment. Set out a small dish of berries, sliced fruit, or dried selections and sprinkle at will.

Beans and Proteins

Vegetables aren't packed with protein. But this doesn't you can't add more than just a hint of protein to a vegetarian meal. Instead of steak, chicken, pork, or fish, keep the recipe fully vegetarian and consider:

  • Beans. One-fourth cup of cooked beans is an ounce-equivalent in the protein food group, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Use beans to create a veggie burger, add them to a summer salad, toss in balsamic vinegar and olive oil to create a savory side dish, or mix them with couscous.
  • Tofu. Tofu has a seemingly endless array of uses. You can fry it into crispy squares, scramble it, stuff it into potstickers, use it in veggie lasagna, add it to a stir fry, and more. If you don't want to create a meal around the protein-rich food, mix cubes into a salad or quinoa side.
  • Nuts and seeds. Sprinkle sunflower or pumpkin seeds onto a salad, create a rich nut loaf, or make your own nut butter spread.

Provided you don't want to go fully vegan, you can also add eggs as a protein source. But if you (or anyone else you plan to cook for) won't eat any animal-based products, leave the high-protein pick out of the meal.


29 June 2021

Quick and Easy Sweet Treats

My favorite part of every meal is dessert. Whenever I have time, I enjoy baking chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, brownies, and an assortment of 3 layer cakes. Unfortunately, family and job responsibilities prevent me from baking sweet treats as much as I would like to do so. Thankfully, I now have a piece of kitchen equipment that makes the task of preparing tasty desserts much easier. My sister-in-law gave me a mini cake maker for Christmas last year. This ingenious item allows me to bake several small cakes in less than 10 minutes. Now, my family can enjoy a different homemade dessert every night of the week. On this blog, you will discover the benefits of investing in a mini cake maker.